Why You Need a Contractor Management System

When your business is managing a complex project, either on or offshore, it is essential that both your company and any contractors involved are working together and are completely transparent at all times.

Health and Safety

Making sure that you have the correct and up to date credentials and permits for the length of an operation, as well as effectively tracking personnel, can make any project budget rocket and a complex operation extremely difficult to manage. According to legislation, it is your company’s responsibility to ensure that Health and Safety duties, both to the contractors as workers, and third parties, are met, and, again, this can be an extensive task with far-reaching implications.

Your team must ensure the health and safety of all personnel at work in the business and on operations, therefore integrating health and safety requirements with contractor and team management systems prevents injury and helps to satisfy health and safety obligations.

Compliance and Best Practice

While it is imperative to meet industry best practises and regulatory compliance, recording and monitoring all the necessary data in an easily usable format can take a lot of expensive man-hours and coordination by a dedicated project team. Therefore, many companies now handling such enterprises turn to contractor management system software that can effectively and efficiently manage, record and track all of the crucial information for them in a user-friendly format that is accessible by the whole workforce.

The SeaPlanner Contractor Management System

After many years running complex and high risk projects, SeaRoc (now Ascertra-SeaRoc Limited) developed SeaPlanner, a safety management system that can bring you and your contractors together instantly, from anywhere, assisting your project team to meet industry best practises and regulatory compliance whilst maximising safety and optimising the efficiency of any project.

SeaPlanner gives you an outstanding toolset starting with a fast and efficient induction process. Prior to their arrival on site, SeaPlanner has a fully customisable system that allows personnel and contractors to be appropriately inducted and tested, and provide their certificates online, which can all be tracked and monitored by the central project management team.

This high-end software provides integrated tools to effectively manage personnel data, monitor and record workers' movements and stringently control certification and access. It can proactively manage certification of all personnel across the site and the certification control tools within SeaPlanner allow you to export customised reports based on certificate expiry and displays a traffic light warning system to allow for proactive project coordination.

SeaPlanner will efficiently track staff and contractors as they move across the site with the use of Access Control Units (ACUs) that will automatically verify an individual’s certification before allowing entry. The interactive map application allows selected users to view live operational site activity including personnel locations, exclusions zones, work permits, and also provides historic replay to ensure a complete audit trail of activity.

SeaPlanner is a premier system that provides structured and coherent management software ensuring your business maintains quality standards for staff, contractors and clients at all times, giving you the opportunity to maximise the potential of your project.

GET more information on the SeaPlanner Contractor Management System AND book your demonstration.

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