Online Site Inductions: Key Features to Improve Safety & Performance

Whether your personnel are constructing a new wind farm or operating an existing facility, you know effective inductions are vital for site safety.

But how can you be sure your team delivers current, compliant, and consistent induction information that spans the lifetime of your project? And how do you ensure contractors retain the induction content you deliver? Choosing the right online induction solution is key to solving these challenges.

Online inductions are becoming the preferred mode of delivery for progressive companies and those companies are seeing many positive impacts as a result, including reduced accident frequency rates (AFRs). So if you haven’t already, you should move your induction process online now to start seeing the positive impact at your sites.

The top 5 features

With so much software to choose from, how do you find the right online induction solution for your site? To help make that selection, let’s focus on things that matter most. Wherever you are and whatever you do, these are the top five capabilities your induction process simply cannot be without.

1. Easy remote access by all

Online induction software should allow you to carry out inductions anytime, anywhere, with anyone. It’s a cheaper and much more efficient alternative to delivering each and every induction face-to-face.

We appreciate that there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to your health and safety inductions, so look for software that can be accessed via a browser, on any device. This will allow you to present an easily accessible, clear, and specific induction to your contractors, wherever they might be.

2. Streamlined administration

A centralised solution that streamlines the whole induction process, across multiple sites, will save your company weeks, months—possibly years—of time that might otherwise be lost to administration tasks.

Look for software that features a common data environment (CDE), so you can access all sites from one location. This means health and safety information can be updated centrally and deployed wherever and whenever it’s needed, at the push of a button. It’s a foolproof system for keeping your content consistent and up to date.

3. Compliance alerts

We know that maintaining certifications can be a minefield. Manually keeping on top of ever-changing regulations induces risk and can be a real drain on your resources.

When evaluating online site induction software, insist on a tool that will work as your compliance radar, delivering automatic notifications for expiring training, inductions, and certifications via a customisable dashboard.

Also, look for a solution that will integrate seamlessly with your industry’s schemes, such as GWO Winda, and make light work of uploading certifications.

4. Inductee knowledge tests

Aside from legal obligation, there’s little use in a health and safety induction that falls on a distracted audience; it might tick a box, but it won’t reduce AFRs.

To be confident your contractors have listened, deliver memorable online content, and be sure to test their acquired knowledge. Look for software that presents your contractors with induction tests that they must pass in order to be considered competent to enter your site.

5. Detailed audit trail

Choose the right software solution to deliver your induction content and you should have far fewer safety incidents. But we all know that accidents can still happen and if they do, then records should be readied for the audit.

Now the last thing you’d expect software to deliver is a paper trail. But you should look for a solution that does just that, detailed and digitally. The best online induction solutions will have all the data you’ll ever need to look back on, right at your fingertips.

Look for these capabilities in your online induction solution and you’ll be on course for reduced accident frequency rates, a satisfied board, and confident contractors.

An all-in-one answer to online site inductions

But what if you could make things even simpler? What if you could install a system that’s capable of all these tasks, and more? Well, SeaRoc’s developed just that.

SeaPlanner’s Online Inductions module offers a unique combination of features that have been developed and integrated by industry experts, many of whom have walked in your shoes.

And while digital delivery software is a growing trend, ours is no trial run. SeaPlanner’s got a solid fifteen years on the ground, serving internationally recognised customers and supporting them on some of their most complex projects. 

You can rely on SeaPlanner Inductions to take care of the details, and you can also depend on our team of experts for support, should you need us. We’re a safe pair of hands.

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