
Offshore Wind Farms

Ascertra-SeaRoc Limited began working with E.ON in 2012 providing GIS and associated services to their offshore wind farms.

Ascertra-SeaRoc Limited provided GIS and associated services to E.ON's offshore wind farms Robin Rigg and Scroby Sands – this contract was extended with the Humber Gateway project in February 2018.


Client’s Key Challenges

check-regular@2x Secure online viewer displaying key site data and geophysical data.
check-regular@2x Analysis services to determine At-Risk cables and seabed issues based on geophysical data.
check-regular@2x Crown Estate Liaison in regards to geophysical data packages including the creation of MEDIN metadata.
check-regular@2xAd-hoc services including analysis of current site issues, map creation, plotting of 3rd party results and data extraction requests.

Ascertra-SeaRoc Limited Provided

check-regular@2x Seabed Monitoring - Identify issues such as scour pits around turbines and any exposed or cable free span sections. Results are provided in a report with detailed charts and as a layer on the online viewer.

check-regular@2x Sediment Dynamics Mitigation - Calculation of volumetric changes within the seabed

check-regular@2x Cable PredictionA predicted surface model for a given time supported by a summary report. The prediction will be made on the basis of the trend derived from the analysis of other data.

check-regular@2x 3D VisualisationInteractive 3D visualisation of the wind farm site with the latest bathymetry. A 3D visualisation enables the viewer to see how the cable relates to the current seabed conditions.


